Sunday, August 10, 2008

Philip Brown's Resume

Interesting title for a first posting, huh? I wouldn't necessarily have chosen that, but it was the first thing Firefox suggested when I clicked, so I figured I'd run with it.

First things first: what's up with the blog name? What's humble about a blog? Hey Internet! Be interested in me! Listen to what I have to say! The whole wide world likes me and reads my words! So maybe I chose the name partly to be ironic, but more because it says (obliquely, perhaps - my favorite way to say anything) something about why I've started this blog. Albert Einstein said something like "My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind." Perhaps a better name for the blog would be "frail and feeble," because I'm afraid that's the best I can do when it comes to putting words to those slight details I perceive.

Because it's all in the slight details. Slight details like shooting stars, grains of sand between my toes, the music of the wind rustling through the Aspens, dewdrops clinging delicately to blades of grass. When I look out at the world, I find myself deeply convinced that it all means something. All the right words nimbly evade the fingers of my mind when I try to describe it all, but I reckon it can't hurt to stumble along anyway.

So maybe this blog will fizzle out in time, maybe it will be uninteresting, maybe nobody will read it, or maybe somewhere down the line it'll light a spark in someone to join my quest for humble admiration. Because one thing's certain: there are an awful lot of slight details.


SongofJoy said...

Ahhh sight details. . . =)
I hope you keep writing!!!

davetcoleman said...

interesting blog, i definitely value any insights you have

Brian Geihsler said...

Keep it up brotha. Good to hear from you!

Unknown said...

I'm very glad you've started this.
I will read it from time to time...and maybe start my own.
Went for a night hike under a full moon with coworkers last night and my dog. Fantastic.

Greg said...

Keep writing - this is great - when's the next post? Wait, I didn't think engineers were able to write, though.
Anyway, this morning stood on the porch of a certain cabin you know about, and it was so silent you could hear the individual drips from the trees out in the forest, from last night's rain. But isn't his glory also in the amazing things that the human body can do (I've been watching the Olympics), and the accompanying hype that surrounds all that as we watch and revel in it?

Greg said...

Oops, that username was from MY blog that I have with fellow PTAs (phys. therapist assistants). Didn't mean for it to show up here.

zach brown said...

Hey Billy! This is cool. Maybe you will become like that guy in "Lady in the Water". Seriously, I look forward to your writing.

Rachel said...

No pressure or anything, but your blog is now tabbed on my computer between the Boston Globe and the NY Times ;-)

Seriously, I've still got the dewdrops song stuck in my head, and I actually painted a picture based on it the other day. I like the way you think and relate to the world, so I'm looking forward to your blog. Keep it up!